Drilling Jar Tester

Drilling Jar Tester

The Galip Drilling Jar Tester is a cutting-edge tool specifically designed to test the performance and functionality of drilling jars used in the oil and gas industry. Drilling jars play a crucial role in freeing stuck drill pipes by delivering sudden impact forces. The Galip Drilling Jar Tester ensures these jars are operating at their peak, reducing downtime and enhancing drilling efficiency.

Galip Drilling Jar Tester
Key Features of Our Automated Jar Testing Logging System
Advanced Data Acquisition
  • Unique Clamp System: The system uses a unique clamp on either side of the drilling or fishing jar to acquire precise data.
  • Drawstring Encoder: Measures the distance between clamps and provides accurate distance measurements.
  • Pressure Transducer: Measures the force in psi, which is then converted to pounds (lb) for precise force readings.
Fully Automatic Operation
  • Configurable Software: The software can be set to perform up to six-up and six-down tests automatically, depending on the jar type.
  • Routine Testing: Allows for a complete set of tests to be carried out without operator intervention.
  • Pre-Determined Values: Various values are preset for different jar sizes to ensure accurate testing
Comprehensive Reporting
  • Automated Data Saving: Once the test sequence is complete, the system saves the data automatically.
  • Detailed Reports: Generates reports outlining whether each test passed or failed the criteria for the jar.
  • Operator Feedback: Displays the results to the operator for immediate assessment.
Durability and Reliability
  • One-Year OEM Warranty: Provides peace of mind with a one-year original equipment manufacturer warranty.
  • Robust Construction: Designed to withstand extreme environments, including high heat and cold temperatures.
  • Extended Workshop Use: Suitable for prolonged use in various workshop conditions.