Comprehensive Guide to Understanding Bucking Unit Parameters

Bucking unit report
Bucking unit report

Bucking units play a critical role in various industrial applications, particularly in the oil and gas industry. These units are essential for making and breaking threaded connections, ensuring the proper torque is applied to avoid leaks or failures. In this article, we will delve into the essential parameters and data points that a bucking unit includes, using a torque report as our reference. Understanding these parameters is crucial for optimizing performance and maintaining the integrity of your equipment.

What is a Bucking Unit?

A bucking unit is a machine used to apply torque to threaded connections, typically in the oil and gas industry. It ensures that connections are properly tightened or loosened, preventing issues such as leaks or joint failures. Bucking units are designed to handle various sizes and types of connections, making them versatile tools in industrial settings.

Torque Information
Job Number

The job number is a unique identifier for the specific task or operation being performed. It helps in tracking and referencing the work done by the bucking unit.

Sequence Number

The sequence number indicates the order of operations. It helps in maintaining the sequence of tasks, ensuring that each step is performed correctly.


This parameter identifies the client for whom the job is being performed. It is crucial for record-keeping and customer service purposes.


The operator is the person responsible for running the bucking unit. Tracking the operator helps in accountability and performance evaluation.

Start and End Time

These parameters record the exact time when the job starts and ends. Monitoring the duration of operations helps in assessing efficiency and planning future tasks.

Shoulder and Slope Detection

Shoulder and slope detection features are essential for ensuring that the connections are made correctly. They help in detecting any anomalies in the threading process.

Connection Parameters
Target Type

The target type specifies the goal of the operation, such as achieving optimum torque. It guides the operator in setting the parameters correctly.

Thread Direction

The thread direction indicates whether the threading is right-hand or left-hand. This is crucial for ensuring compatibility and proper assembly.

Maximum, Optimum, and Minimum Torque

These parameters define the torque limits for the operation. The maximum torque is the highest allowable value, the optimum torque is the desired target, and the minimum torque is the lowest acceptable value.

Dump Percent

Dump percent indicates the allowable deviation from the target torque. It helps in maintaining precision in the operation.

Tailstock and Headstock Clamp Pressure

These parameters specify the pressure applied by the tailstock and headstock clamps. Proper clamping pressure ensures that the connections are held securely during the operation.

Achieved Torque and Turns

These values indicate the actual torque applied and the number of turns made during the operation. They help in verifying that the operation was completed as planned.

Connection Information
Pipe Size

The pipe size parameter specifies the diameter of the pipe being worked on. It is essential for setting up the bucking unit correctly.

Weight and Grade

These parameters indicate the weight and grade of the pipe or connection. They help in assessing the compatibility and strength of the materials.

Thread Type

The thread type parameter specifies the threading standard used. It ensures that the connections are compatible and meet industry standards.

Lubricant Information

This includes the brand, expiry, and type of lubricant used. Proper lubrication is crucial for preventing wear and ensuring smooth operation.

Slope / Shoulder Data Points
Slope Factor

The slope factor indicates the rate of change in torque with respect to turns. It helps in assessing the quality of the threading process.

Delta Turns

Delta turns measure the difference between the expected and actual number of turns. It helps in identifying any discrepancies in the operation.

Shoulder Torque and Turns

These parameters specify the torque and turns at the shoulder point. They are critical for ensuring a tight and secure connection.


This parameter indicates whether the operation was successful or if the connection needs to be redone. It helps in maintaining quality control.

Comments and Approval

Comments provide additional information or observations about the operation. They can include notes about any issues encountered or special instructions for future tasks.

Approval Status

The approval status indicates whether the operation has been accepted or rejected. It is crucial for maintaining quality assurance and ensuring that only properly completed connections are used.

Importance of Accurate Torque Reports

Accurate torque reports are essential for ensuring the safety and reliability of threaded connections. They provide a detailed record of the parameters and data points for each operation, helping in identifying any issues and maintaining high standards of quality control.


What is the role of a bucking unit in the oil and gas industry?
A bucking unit is used to apply the correct torque to threaded connections, ensuring they are properly tightened or loosened to prevent leaks or failures.

Why is it important to monitor the start and end times of a job?
Monitoring start and end times helps in assessing the efficiency of operations and planning future tasks.

How does shoulder detection improve the threading process?
Shoulder detection helps in identifying any anomalies in the threading process, ensuring that connections are made correctly and securely.

What is the significance of the dump percent parameter?
Dump percent indicates the allowable deviation from the target torque, helping in maintaining precision in the operation.

Why is it important to record the achieved torque and turns?
Recording these values helps in verifying that the operation was completed as planned and ensures the integrity of the connections.

How do lubricant information and expiry dates impact the performance of a bucking unit?
Using the correct lubricant and ensuring it is within its expiry date are crucial for preventing wear and ensuring smooth operation of the bucking unit.


Understanding the various parameters and data points involved in the operation of a bucking unit is crucial for ensuring the efficiency, safety, and reliability of threaded connections. Accurate torque reports provide a detailed record of these parameters, helping in maintaining high standards of quality control and preventing issues such as leaks or joint failures. By paying close attention to these details, operators can optimize the performance of their equipment and ensure successful operations in industrial settings.